.Piotr Kotlicki

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Born 1972 in Poland. Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź, Poland in 2000, diploma with Prof. Ryszard Hunger. Currently works at the National Film School in Łódź at The Film and Television Directing Department.His work is multimedia-oriented with an emphasis on painting and video. They have been displayed at: Ningbo Museum of Art (China), the National Gallery of Art in Warsaw, the Audio-visual & new media arts festival Madatac in Madrid (Spain), the MS Dockville Festival in Hamburg (Germany), the International Video Festival in Novi Sad (Serbia), the Sandhofer Gallery, Salzburg (Austria), the Nachtspeicher23, Hamburg (Germany), the Simultan Festival, Timisoara (Romania), the National Audio-Visual Institute Warsaw (Poland), Assembly Gallery, Poznan (Poland), NordArt, Büdelsdorf(Germany), Drei Ringe, Leipzig (Germany), Strzelski Gallery, Stuttgart (Germany). Awards: 2016 Grand prix Freedom of Form, The Gdańsk Shakespeare Theatre, Gdańsk, Poland; 2017 IV Piotrkow Biennal of Art, ODA, Piotrkow Tryb, Poland; 2014 Shortlisted for „100 painters of tomorow”, Beers Contemporary and Thames & Hudson, UK

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